The Pinto division is an instructional coach pitch division. The goal of this division is to introduce players to the rules of baseball and healthy competition. Outstanding sportsmanship is a major focus of this division. This league remains grounded in the fundamentals of baseball and previous experience is not required to participate.
- Players must be 7 by 5/1/2025
- 6 year olds can be considered to play up, and are determined eligible by coaches based on their evaluation.
- Players are assessed at required evaluation sessions scheduled in the pre-season (running, catching, fielding, batting)
- Players are added to teams via a draft
- Both boys and girls are welcome
Practice and Game Information:
- Games are twice a week, starting at either 6PM or 7:30PM
- Games are 6 innings or approximately 75 minutes long
- Games are scored
- Outs are in effect
- Umpires are employed
- Every player will play every game
- Practice is once per week on Saturday, starting sometime between 9AM and 4PM
- There will be an end of season tournament and a division championship awarded
All-Star nomination and selection process:
Please visit the All-Star page to find out more about this process
Please contact League Director Josh Barker with any questions at [email protected]